Project Euler – Problem 17 Solution

Yan Cui

I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies.


If the numbers 1 to 5 are written out in words: one, two, three, four, five, then there are 3 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 19 letters used in total.

If all the numbers from 1 to 1000 (one thousand) inclusive were written out in words, how many letters would be used?

NOTE: Do not count spaces or hyphens. For example, 342 (three hundred and forty-two) contains 23 letters and 115 (one hundred and fifteen) contains 20 letters. The use of “and” when writing out numbers is in compliance with British usage.


let onesToWord prefix n postfix =
    match n with
    | 1 -> prefix + "one" + postfix
    | 2 -> prefix + "two" + postfix
    | 3 -> prefix + "three" + postfix
    | 4 -> prefix + "four" + postfix
    | 5 -> prefix + "five" + postfix
    | 6 -> prefix + "six" + postfix
    | 7 -> prefix + "seven" + postfix
    | 8 -> prefix + "eight" + postfix
    | 9 -> prefix + "nine" + postfix
    | _ -> ""

let tensToWord prefix tens ones =
    match tens with
    | 0 ->  onesToWord prefix ones ""
    | 1 -> match ones with
           | 0 -> prefix + "ten"
           | 1 -> prefix + "eleven"
           | 2 -> prefix + "twelve"
           | 3 -> prefix + "thirteen"
           | 4 -> prefix + "fourteen"
           | 5 -> prefix + "fifteen"
           | 6 -> prefix + "sixteen"
           | 7 -> prefix + "seventeen"
           | 8 -> prefix + "eighteen"
           | 9 -> prefix + "nineteen"
           | _ -> ""
    | 2 -> prefix + "twenty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 3 -> prefix + "thirty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 4 -> prefix + "forty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 5 -> prefix + "fifty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 6 -> prefix + "sixty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 7 -> prefix + "seventy" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 8 -> prefix + "eighty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | 9 -> prefix + "ninety" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
    | _ -> ""

let toWord n =
    let thousands = n / 1000
    let hundreds = (n - 1000 * thousands) / 100
    let tens = (n - 1000 * thousands - 100 * hundreds) / 10
    let ones = n % 10

    let thousandsWord = onesToWord "" thousands "thousand"
    let hundredsWord = onesToWord "" hundreds "hundred"
    let tensPrefix = if (thousands > 0 || hundreds > 0) && (tens > 0 || ones > 0)
                     then "and"
                     else ""
    let tensWord = tensToWord tensPrefix tens ones

    thousandsWord + hundredsWord + tensWord
let answer = [1 .. 1000] |> toWord |> List.sumBy (fun s -> s.Length)

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2 thoughts on “Project Euler – Problem 17 Solution”

  1. Pingback: Project Euler — Problem 17 Solution |

  2. I actually did this problem when I was in school (at last bench, literature class, was bored), did it up to a million after some years I needed at work and did it up to infinite, you just had to have an array of [“millions”,”billion”,”trillion”, …]

    let p17 =
    let rec toWords x =
    let words = [“”;”one”;”two”;”three”;”four”;”five”;”six”;”seven”;”eight”;”nine”;”ten”;”eleven”;”twelve”;”thirteen”;
    let wordsTy = [ “”;””;”twenty”;”thirty”;”forty”;”fifty”;”sixty”;”seventy”;”eighty”;”ninety”]

    match x with
    |n when n words.[n]
    |n when n wordsTy.[n / 10] + words.[n % 10];
    |1000 -> “onethousand”;
    |n when (n % 100) > 0 -> words.[n / 100] + “hundredand” + toWords (n%100)
    |n -> words.[n / 100] + “hundred”
    [1..1000]|> (toWords >> String.length) |> List.sum

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