Yan Cui
I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies.
One of the great things about the Reactive Extensions for Javascript is that you can easily create a many-to-many relationship between observable sequences of values and observers who handles the arrival of new values.
You should have a read of these couple of posts first:
- Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Creating Observables
- Introduction to the Reactive Extensions for Javascript – Creating Observers
- 16 Ways to Create IObservables without implementing IObservable
To take it a step further from the brief code snippets shown in the blog posts by Matthew Podwysocki above, here’s a quick demo on how you can create multiple observable sequences of values and have multiple observers observe them.
So first, a simple set of HTML to create a couple of spans:
1: <body>
2: <div id="wrapper">
3: <span id="message" class="block"></span>
4: <span id="error" class="block"></span>
5: <span id="complete" class="block"></span>
7: <span id="message-2" class="block"></span>
8: </div>
9: </body>
And the Javascript:
1: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>
2: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/rxjs/rx.js"></script>
3: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/rxjs/rx.jQuery.js"></script>
5: <script type="text/javascript">
6: $(function () {
7: var wrapperElement = $("#wrapper"),
8: messageElement = $("#message"),
9: messageElement2 = $("#message-2"),
10: errorElement = $("#error"),
11: completeEelement = $("#complete");
13: /********** 1ST OBSERVER (EXPLICIT) ************/
14: var observer = Rx.Observer.Create(
15: function (next) { // when next value is fired
16: messageElement.html("Next: " + next);
17: },
18: function (err) { // on error
19: errorElement.html("Error: " + err);
20: },
21: function () { // on complete
22: completeEelement.html("Complete!");
23: });
25: // an observable that starts from 0 and increments by 1 per second
26: var counter = Rx.Observable.GenerateWithTime(
27: 0, // initial state
28: function (x) { return true; }, // condition
29: function (x) { return x + 1; }, // iterator
30: function (x) { return x }, // select
31: function (x) { return x === 0 ? 0 : 1000 }); // time (1s) between each value
33: // an observable sequence which just throws an exception
34: var except = Rx.Observable.Throw("FAIL!");
36: // an observable sequence which completes straight away
37: var complete = Rx.Observable.Return();
39: // get reference to the disposable objects to unsubscribe later
40: var counterSub = counter.Subscribe(observer);
41: var exceptSub = except.Subscribe(observer);
42: var completeSub = complete.Subscribe(observer);
44: /********** 2ND OBSERVER (IMPLICIT) ************/
45: var counterSub2 = counter.Subscribe(function (next) {
46: messageElement2.html(next);
47: });
49: // unsubscribe the first observer's counter subscription after 10 seconds
50: setTimeout(function () { counterSub.Dispose() }, 10000);
51: });
52: </script>
The key things to note here are the two ways you can create an observer, either explicitly using the Rx.Observer.Create function or creating one dynamically using one of the overloaded Subscribe functions on an observable sequence.
When you call Subscribe on an observable, you get back a disposable object which can then be used to unsubscribe an observer from an ongoing observable sequence (see line 50 in the code above and the demo below).
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