CDK: how to customize 3rd-party L3 constructs

If you’re using CDK, you should use L3 constructs to encapsulate common patterns and best practices in your architecture.

However, sometimes you’d find a 3rd-party L3 construct that does most of what you want, but you need to customize how it configures some of its resources. That can be tricky because you don’t own the source code, and the construct author might not be willing to make the changes you want.

In this article, let me show you an easy and effective way to do this without having to clone and maintain a copy of the construct yourself.

CloudFormation: How to set Deletion Policy to Retain for production only?

It’s a good practice to use CloudFormation’s deletion policy to protect stateful resources such as DynamoDB tables or RDS databases from accidental deletions. Such as when someone accidentally deletes a CloudFormation stack! As I discussed previously [1], this is a much better way to guard against these accidental data losses than separating stateful and stateless …

CloudFormation: How to set Deletion Policy to Retain for production only? Read More »

No, you don’t need to test every line of your CDK application

Several people have asked me about unit testing CDK applications recently. The questions often go something like this: “Because it can be in Python or TS, people bring up unit testing for CDK, whereas it’s not even thought about with Serverless Framework, SAM or Terraform. What are your thoughts on this?” “I have so many …

No, you don’t need to test every line of your CDK application Read More »

Are You Ready for This? Top 5 Earth-Shattering Pros and Cons of AWS CDK

Ask most developers why they like the CDK and they will say “It lets me write infrastructure in my favourite programming language”. That’s nice, but why should that be a consideration for an Infra-as-Code (IaC) tool? That’s like saying “I like Strepsils because it tastes like candy”. ps. if you mention candy, pharmacy staff would …

Are You Ready for This? Top 5 Earth-Shattering Pros and Cons of AWS CDK Read More »

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