Extension Methods – Helpful parse methods for string

Yan Cui

I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies.

   1: /// <summary>

   2: /// Parses a string as a short

   3: /// </summary>

   4: public static short ParseShort(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

   5: {

   6:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToInt16, throwOnOverflow);

   7: }


   9: /// <summary>

  10: /// Parses a string as an ushort

  11: /// </summary>

  12: public static ushort ParseUshort(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  13: {

  14:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToUInt16, throwOnOverflow);

  15: }


  17: /// <summary>

  18: /// Parses a string as an int

  19: /// </summary>

  20: public static int ParseInt(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  21: {

  22:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToInt32, throwOnOverflow);

  23: }


  25: /// <summary>

  26: /// Parses a string as an uint

  27: /// </summary>

  28: public static uint ParseUint(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  29: {

  30:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToUInt32, throwOnOverflow);

  31: }


  33: /// <summary>

  34: /// Parses a string as a long

  35: /// </summary>

  36: public static long ParseLong(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  37: {

  38:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToInt64, throwOnOverflow);

  39: }


  41: /// <summary>

  42: /// Parses a string as an ulong

  43: /// </summary>

  44: public static ulong ParseUlong(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  45: {

  46:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToUInt64, throwOnOverflow);

  47: }


  49: /// <summary>

  50: /// Parses a string as a float

  51: /// </summary>

  52: public static float ParseFloat(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  53: {

  54:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToSingle, throwOnOverflow);

  55: }


  57: /// <summary>

  58: /// Parses a string as a double

  59: /// </summary>

  60: public static double ParseDouble(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true)

  61: {

  62:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToDouble, throwOnOverflow);

  63: }


  65: /// <summary>

  66: /// Parses a string as a date time value

  67: /// </summary>

  68: public static DateTime ParseDateTime(this string str)

  69: {

  70:     return str.ParseAsStruct(DateTime.Parse);

  71: }


  73: /// <summary>

  74: /// Parses a string as a date time value using the exact format string

  75: /// </summary>

  76: public static DateTime ParseDateTimeExact(this string str, string format)

  77: {            

  78:     return str.ParseAsStruct(s => DateTime.ParseExact(s, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

  79: }


  81: /// <summary>

  82: /// Parses a string as a boolean value

  83: /// </summary>

  84: public static bool ParseBoolean(this string str)

  85: {

  86:     return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToBoolean);

  87: }


  89: /// <summary>

  90: /// Parses a string as an enum value

  91: /// </summary>

  92: public static TEnum ParseEnum<TEnum>(this string str, bool ignoreCase = true) where TEnum : struct

  93: {

  94:     TEnum result;

  95:     return Enum.TryParse(str, ignoreCase, out result) ? result : default(TEnum);

  96: }        


  98: private static T ParseAsStruct<T>(

  99:     this string str, Func<string, T> convert, bool throwOnOverflow = true) 

 100:     where T : struct

 101: {

 102:     if (throwOnOverflow)

 103:     {

 104:         checked

 105:         {

 106:             return convert(str);

 107:         }

 108:     }


 110:     unchecked

 111:     {

 112:         return convert(str);

 113:     }

 114: }

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