Extension Methods – Helpful parse methods for string

1: /// <summary> 2: /// Parses a string as a short 3: /// </summary> 4: public static short ParseShort(this string str, bool throwOnOverflow = true) 5: { 6: return str.ParseAsStruct(Convert.ToInt16, throwOnOverflow); 7: } 8:  9: /// <summary> 10: /// Parses a string as an ushort 11: /// </summary> 12: public static ushort ParseUshort(this string str, …

Extension Methods – Helpful parse methods for string Read More »

JSON serialization – DataContractJsonSerializer vs JavaScriptSerializer

In C#, when you have to work with JSON data you’re usually represented with two choices – DataContractJsonSerializer or JavaScriptSerializer. There are other popular third-party libraries out there, such as the popular Json.Net project, but for the rest of this blog let’s just focus on the two built-in JSON serializers and see how they differ. …

JSON serialization – DataContractJsonSerializer vs JavaScriptSerializer Read More »

IDictionary<string, object> to ExpandoObject extension method

As you know, the ExpandoObject class implements the IDictionary<string, object> interface, so if you have an ExpandoObject you can easily cast it to an IDictionary<string, object> but there’s no built-in way to easily do the reverse. Luckily, I came across a very useful extension method today which converts an IDictionary<string, object> into an ExpandoObject, which …

IDictionary<string, object> to ExpandoObject extension method Read More »

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