Yan Cui
I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies.
Over the last 6 months, we have made the Serverless Step Functions plugin better and more useful. Here are the most impactful changes, in case you missed it!
Support for intrinsic function
One of the main pain points of using the plugin has long been that you needed to use fully-formed ARNs. As of v1.18.0 you can use CloudFormation intrinsic functions Fn:GetAtt
and Ref
for Task
This works for both Task
states with Lambda functions as well as non-Lambda services such as SNS, SQS, DynamoDB, ECS and Batch.
stepFunctions: stateMachines: hellostepfunc1: name: myStateMachine definition: StartAt: HelloWorld1 States: HelloWorld1: Type: Task Resource: Fn::GetAtt: [HelloLambdaFunction, Arn] End: true
Integration with non-Lambda services
Speaking of non-Lambda services. Step Functions announced support for eight more services (besides Lambda) at re:invent 2018. This has been supported in the serverless-step-functions
plugin as of v1.10.0.
SNS and SQS examples are available in this example repo. They are also covered in my video course Complete guide to AWS Step Functions.
To publish a message to SNS, you need something like the following:
stepFunctions: stateMachines: hellostepfunc1: name: myStateMachine definition: StartAt: Publish SNS message States: Publish SNS message: Type: Task Resource: arn:aws:states:::sns:publish Parameters: Message: "{ \"answer\": 42 }" TopicArn: Ref: AlarmTopic End: true
When you integrate with these non-Lambda services, the plugin would auto-generate the corresponding IAM permissions for the execution role.
At the moment, SNS, SQS, DynamoDB, ECS and Batch are supported.
CloudWatch Alarms
It’s common practice to want to monitor the health of your workflows and be alerted when something goes wrong. You can now use the built-in alarms
configuration to generate a set of default alarms for each state machine.
stepFunctions: stateMachines: myStateMachine: alarms: topics: ok: arn:aws:sns:... alarm: arn:aws:sns:... insufficientData: arn:aws:sns:... metrics: - executionsTimeOut - executionsFailed - executionsAborted - executionThrottled treatMissingData: missing
The generated CloudWatch alarms would have the following configurations:
namespace: 'AWS/States' metric: <ExecutionsTimeOut | ExecutionsFailed | ExecutionsAborted | ExecutionThrottled> threshold: 1 period: 60 evaluationPeriods: 1 ComparisonOperator: GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold Statistic: Sum treatMissingData: <missing (default) | ignore | breaching | notBreaching> Dimensions: - Name: StateMachineArn Value: <ArnOfTheStateMachine>
Workflow execution events
Step Functions recently announced support for Workflow execution events. With this new feature, you can set up automated notifications when the status of a workflow starts/completes/errors through CloudWatch Events. Events can be delivered to AWS Lambda, SNS, SQS, Kinesis, or AWS Step Functions for automated response to the event.
With the serverless-step-functions
plugin, you can set up notifications when a workflow’s status changes to ABORTED
. Here’s how you can configuration notifications
stepFunctions: stateMachines: hellostepfunc1: name: test definition: ... notifications: ABORTED: - sns: SNS_TOPIC_ARN - sqs: SQS_TOPIC_ARN - sqs: # for FIFO queues, which requires you to configure the message group ID arn: SQS_TOPIC_ARN messageGroupId: 12345 - lambda: LAMBDA_FUNCTION_ARN - kinesis: KINESIS_STREAM_ARN - kinesis: arn: KINESIS_STREAM_ARN partitionKeyPath: $.id # used to choose the parition key from payload - firehose: FIREHOSE_STREAM_ARN - stepFunctions: STATE_MACHINE_ARN FAILED: ... # same as above ... # other status
You can also use CloudFormation intrinsic functions Fn::GetAtt
and Ref
to reference additional resources in the serverless.yml
LAMBDA_PROXY request template
When you use the HTTP event trigger, the default API Gateway request template only forwards the request body as input.
This means you lose out a lot of the context around the HTTP request such as HTTP headers as well as path and query string parameters. To access this information you’d have to create a custom request template.
Also, it presents a stark difference to the event payload we have come to expect when building APIs with API Gateway and Lambda.
So we updated the HTTP event trigger and gave you the option to choose the LAMBDA_PROXY request template instead.
stepFunctions: stateMachines: hello: events: - http: path: posts/create method: POST request: template: lambda_proxy
This gives you a close approximation to the event payload you can expect from API Gateway when you use LAMBDA_PROXY integration method. However, multi-value query string parameters do not work at the moment. This owes to the fact that API Gateway does not pass them through to the integration request. Once that is addressed we will add support for it.
Other changes
So those are the five most noteworthy changes in the last 6 months. To wrap things up, here are a couple of smaller changes that you might also be interested in:
If you’re interested in learning more about Step Functions and where it fits into your wider solution. Please check out my course – Complete guide to AWS Step Functions.
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