Yan Cui
I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies.
Brushing up on Erlang again having spent so much time with F# since I last looked at Erlang, it’s startling how much parallels I see between the two languages in terms of features and syntax, and I’m sure it’s no coincidence
To help myself and other F# programmers who’re curious about Erlang get started more easily, I’m going to run a series of blog posts on how F# code would look in Erlang.
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Assignment in F# is done via the let keyword:
let x = 42
let y = 10.0
let z = x * int y
In Erlang, you just write:
1> X = 42.
2> Y = 10.0.
3> Z = X * Y.
It’s worth noting that in Erlang, variable names have to start with a capital letter or an underscore (‘_’). Also, Erlang variables can be ‘unbound’, and assigned once:
1> A.
* 1: variable ‘A’ is unbound
2> A = 123.
3> A = 321.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value 321
However, you can assign the same value to a bound variable more than once:
1> A = 123.
2> A = 123.
This works because the equals (‘=’) operator in Erlang is a pattern match operator as opposed to assignment!
The = operator compares values and complains if they’re different, if they are the same it will return the value instead. In the case of an unbound variable, the operator will automatically bind the right-hand side value to the variable on the left-hand side.
In F#, you can use the underscore ‘_’ as a wildcard to ignore the value on the right-hand side of an expression:
let _ = 42
In Erlang, it’s the same thing!
1> _ = 42.
Boolean Algebra
let a = true && true // true
let b = true || false // true
let c = not b // false
1> A = true and true.
2> B = true or false.
3> C = not B.
In F#, the logical and (‘&&’) and logical or (‘||’) operators will only evaluate arguments on both sides of the operator if necessary, so in the following code snippet only f () is evaluated:
let f () = printfn "hello"; true
let g () = printfn "world"; false
let x = f () || g () // prints ‘hello’
let y = g () && f () // prints ‘world’
In Erlang, the boolean and and or operators will always evaluate arguments on both sides of the operator. If you want short-circuit behaviour, use the andalso and orelse operators instead.
let x = 5 = 5 // true
let y = 5 <> 6 // true
let a = 5 < 6 // true
let b = 5 <= 5 // true
let c = 6 > 5 // true
let d = 5 >= 5 // true
1> 5 =:= 5.
2> 5 =/= 6.
3> 5 < 6.
4> 5 =< 5.
5> 6 > 5.
6> 5 >= 5.
In F#, a tuple is written in the form ( Element1, Element2, … ElementN ):
let point = (4, 5)
let x, y = point
In Erlang, a tuple is written in the form { Element1, Element2, …, ElementN }, such as:
1> Point = { 4, 5 }.
{ 4, 5 }
2> { X, Y } = Point.
{ 4, 5 }
Lists in F# and Erlang are both implemented as linked-lists, whilst F#’s lists can hold elements of the same type, Erlang’s lists can hold a mixture of anything.
let lst = [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ] // [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
let hd = lst.Head // hd = 1
let _::tl = lst // tl = [ 2; 3; 4 ]
let lst2 = 1::2::3::4::[ ] // [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
1> Lst = [ 1, "one", { 2, 3 } ].
2> hd(Lst).
3> [ _ | Tl ] = Lst.
4> Tl.
[“one”,{2, 3}]
6> [ 1 | [ 2 | [ 3 | [ 4 | [ ] ] ] ] ].
List Comprehensions
You can write a simple list comprehension in F# like this:
let lst = [ for x in [ 1..4 ] -> x * 2 ]
This code will look like this in Erlang:
1> Lst = [ X * 2 || X <- [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ].
[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]
Erlang’s list comprehensions also lets you specify conditions on the input for instance:
1> Lst = [ X * 2 || X <- [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], X =< 4 ].
[ 2, 4, 6, 8 ]
Support for when guards in F#’s list comprehension was removed quite a while back, but you can still achieve the same effect easily enough with a simple if conditions:
let lst = [ for x in [ 1..8 ] do if x <= 4 then yield x * 2 ]
In F#, you can also nest multiple list comprehensions:
let lst = [ for x in [1..8] do
for y in [1..4] do
if x <= 4 then yield x, y]
To do the same in Erlang, you can specify a second ‘generator expression’:
Lst = [ { X, Y } || X <- [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], Y <- [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], X =< 4].
In general, Erlang’s list comprehension is of the form: [ Expression || GeneratorExp1, GeneratorExp2, …, GeneratorExpN, Condition1, Condition2, …, ConditionM ].
In F#, you can define a function using the let keyword followed by the name of the function and its parameters:
let ident x = x
In Erlang, functions can be defined only in modules, and is defined like the following:
ident ( X ) –> X
Lambda (anonymous function)
In F#, you can declare a lambda using the fun keyword:
let add = (fun (x, y) –> x + y);
let ans = add(3, 2); // ans = 5
Guess what, it’s fun to declare lambdas in Erlang too
1> Add = fun (X, Y) –> X + Y end.
2> Add(3, 2).
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Pingback: What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 2 of N | theburningmonk.com
Pingback: What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 3 of N | theburningmonk.com
Pingback: What does this F# code look like in Erlang – Part 4 of N | theburningmonk.com