When to use API Gateway vs. Lambda Function URLs

“Lambdalith” is a monolithic approach to building serverless applications where a single Lambda function serves an entire API, instead of having one function per endpoint. It’s an increasingly popular approach and provides portability between Lambda and containers and lets you use familiar web frameworks.

Tools like the AWS Lambda Web Adapter have made this approach more accessible, and it also works well with Lambda Function URLs.

But don’t be too hasty to get rid of API Gateway just yet!

In this post, let’s look at the pros and cons of API Gateway vs. Lambda Function URLs, and let me explain why I still prefer API Gateway.

What’s the best way to migrate Cognito users to a new user pool?

The challenge with a Cognito User Pool migration is that the user password cannot be extracted from Cognito. This is a good thing. It shows that Cognito follows security best practices and does not store user passwords in plain text.

But it makes our lives more difficult during a Cognito User Pool migration.

In this post, let’s consider three approaches for migrating users to a new Cognito User Pool.

How to secure CI/CD pipelines without burning developer productivity to the ground

When it comes to CI/CD roles, your instinct might be to lock them down to just what it needs. Because we all want to follow the principle of least privilege. But as you will see in this post, this comes with a hefty price in terms of developer productivity, and it’s not as secure as you might think.

So instead, I prefer a more holistic approach when it comes to securing CI/CD pipelines, involving account boundaries, SCPs, ABAC and the use of permissive roles. Come in and find out how.

How to reprocess Lambda dead-letter queue messages on-demand

Imagine this. You have followed AWS best practices and set up a dead-letter queue (DLQ) or an OnFailure destination for every async Lambda function.

A message arrives in your DLQ. You are alerted right away because you have alarms on all of your DLQs.

You investigate the problem and determine that it was temporary and the message should be re-processed.

But now what?

How to create private, VPC-only DynamoDB tables

You don’t need network security to keep your DynamoDB data safe. However, adding network security on top of IAM authentication and authorization is not a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s even necessary to meet regulatory requirements.

In this post, let’s see how to put DynamoDB in VPC so your data can only be accessed from within a VPC. We will look at what works best for feature teams and what works best for platform teams.

How to Securely let Frontend Apps to Directly Access AWS services

In this post, let’s discuss a radical idea – if the API layer is not adding any value besides authentication and calling the AWS SDK, then why not just remove it and let the frontend talk to your AWS resources directly? It will be the cheapest way to build a full-stack application, and there are similar precedents in the IoT space already.

It’s not the way that I’d recommend for most of you. But it’s possible to do it safely so that a user can only access his/her data. All you need is a little bit of IAM policy and a Cognito Identity Pool.

How to perform database migration for a live service with no downtime

Performing a database migration while continuing to serve user requests can be challenging. It’s a question that many students have asked during the Production-Ready Serverless [1] workshop. So here’s my tried-and-tested approach to migrating a live service to a new database without downtime. I’m going to use DynamoDB as an example, but it should work …

How to perform database migration for a live service with no downtime Read More »

The one mistake everyone makes when using Kinesis with Lambda

AWS Kinesis and Lambda are a great combo for processing large amounts of data in real-time. However, there’s a common oversight that many developers make when integrating these two services. There are established best practices for configuring Lambda’s EventSourceMapping [1] for Kinesis: Configure an OnFailure destination for failed records. Enable BisectBatchOnFunctionError. Override MaximumRetryAttempts. Choose a …

The one mistake everyone makes when using Kinesis with Lambda Read More »

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