
How I built an affiliate tracking system in a weekend with serverless

Having taught thousands of students to build serverless applications via my online courses and workshops, I felt it was time to kick-start an affiliate program to boost sales. Affiliates would receive 50% of the revenue and get a 15% discount code for their audience. It feels like a good deal but I would need a …

How I built an affiliate tracking system in a weekend with serverless Read More »

The biggest preinvent serverless announcements you may have missed

re:Invent is almost upon us. Judging by the things that had been announced ahead of re:Invent, one can’t help but be excited about the main event itself! Here is a list of the serverless-related announcements so far that you should know about. Payload-based message filtering for Amazon SNS Here’s the official announcement. This is arguably the …

The biggest preinvent serverless announcements you may have missed Read More »

How to work around CloudFormation circular dependencies

An interesting question came up on the AppSync Masterclass forum, and it highlights a common way you can get into CloudFormation circular dependencies. In the CloudFormation stack, there is an AppSync API, which uses a Cognito User Pool for authentication and authorization. When a user signs up, the app should fire an update on a …

How to work around CloudFormation circular dependencies Read More »

Group-based auth with AppSync Lambda authoriser

AWS AppSync added support for Lambda authorizers on 30th July 2021 and it made it much easier to implement group-based authorization with 3rd party identity services. Group-based auth with AppSync and Cognito I previously wrote about how you can secure multi-tenant applications with AppSync and Cognito. Where you can use custom attributes to capture the tenant …

Group-based auth with AppSync Lambda authoriser Read More »

How to handle client errors gracefully with AppSync and Lambda

With API Gateway and Lambda, you can handle client errors gracefully by returning a 4xx response. module.exports.handler = async (event) => { // run validation logic return { statusCode: 400 } } This way, we can communicate clearly to the client that there’s a problem with its request. It also lets the Lambda invocation complete …

How to handle client errors gracefully with AppSync and Lambda Read More »

Building a custom IAM system has made me appreciate AWS IAM even more

In the last post I discussed my preferred approach for modelling multi-tenant applications with AppSync and Cognito. This approach supports the common requirements in these applications, where there are a number of distinct roles within each tenant. This approach (and others like it) works great when the tenants are isolated. But what if they are …

Building a custom IAM system has made me appreciate AWS IAM even more Read More »

How to model one-to-many relationships with AppSync and DynamoDB

Thank you to Josh for asking this question on the AppSync Masterclass forum. His original question goes like this: Let’s say I want to add a one-to-many relationship from Profile to a new property called “Tag” (a complex object with “name” and “color” properties) so a user can define their own Tags. I would also like a …

How to model one-to-many relationships with AppSync and DynamoDB Read More »

How to secure multi-tenant applications with AppSync and Cognito

One of the most common questions I get is “How do I build a multi-tenant application with AppSync and Cognito?”. If you google this topic on the internet you will no doubt come across many different opinions. It’s a topic that we’ll soon explore in the AppSync Masterclass but I want to take this opportunity …

How to secure multi-tenant applications with AppSync and Cognito Read More »

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