Testing with Pex
Some time ago I read about (might be on DotNetRocks) a little gem coming out of Microsoft’s research lab called Pex, which is a framework for doing automated White Box Testing in .Net. It’s still in its early days (despite having been around for more than 2 years now) but packs a bag of potential …
DataContract Serialization by Reference using the IsReference Property
I came across this blog post the other day which introduced to me a cool addition to the DataContract serializer – the ability to generate XML by reference rather than by value: http://www.zamd.net/2008/05/20/DataContractSerializerAndIsReferenceProperty.aspx Not much for me to add to it really, just read the blog to see how it works.
Dealing with Circular References in WCF
Using entity classes in your application and WCF is complaining about the circular references between your classes? Well, I had the exact same problem not long ago, and I found this post on James Kovac’s blog about circular references and how to get around them: http://www.jameskovacs.com/blog/GoingAroundInCirclesWithWCF.aspx The key things to note from this post is …
The C# Dispose Pattern
The Dispose pattern is something we’ve all seen before, and it’s so tried and tested most of us (especially myself!) have been more than happy to apply without question. Whilst reading various blogs/articles I came across some differing opinion about this well known pattern and started to question what I had taken for granted myself. …
Memory leak in ADO.NET DataSet
Over the last couple of years, there have been many discussions/debates on DataSet vs Collections, and there was a very good article in MSDN magazine on just that: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/magazine/cc163751.aspx#S7 To add to the Dark Sides of DataSet, there is a little known feature/bug/annoyance in the DataTable.Select() method – every time you call the Select() method …
Under the cover of i4o
I did some performance optimization work a little while back, and one of the changes which yielded a significant result was when I migrated some server side components (which are CPU intensive and performs a large number of loops) from using ADO.NET DataSets to using POCOs (plain old CLR object). The looping was then done …
Aspect Oriented Programming in .Net using PostSharp
I saw this article on D. Patrick Caldwell’s blog a little while back: http://dpatrickcaldwell.blogspot.com/2009/03/validate-parameters-using-attributes.html It was this article that got me interested in PostSharp and the possibilities that it can bring. PostSharp, in short, is a lightweight framework which introduces some Aspect-Oriented Programming into .Net. Some of the common usages I have seen include tracing …
Aspect Oriented Programming in .Net using PostSharp Read More »
Welcome to my blog! It’s Xmas and with so much time on my hands, I thought this might be as good a time to start a blog as any! What am I gonna blog? Well, imagine this, you’re going through your favorite blogs/websites and you read something cool, but when it comes to a time …