
JSON and Binary serializers benchmarks updated

DISCLAIMER : as always, you should bench­mark against your pay­load and use case, the bench­mark num­bers I have pro­duced here is unlikely to be rep­re­sen­ta­tive of your use cases and nei­ther is any­body else’s bench­mark numbers. You can use the sim­ple test har­ness I cre­ated and see these exam­ple code to bench­mark against your par­tic­u­lar …

JSON and Binary serializers benchmarks updated Read More »

Announcing libraries for C# and F# to make it easier to integrate with Sentry

Here at Gamesys social team, we’re rethinking our current approach to logging in general, from both server and client’s perspective. Having looked at many different alternatives (it was a little hard to imagine how crowded a space log aggregation and visualization is..) one of the services which we have decided to experiment with is Sentry. …

Announcing libraries for C# and F# to make it easier to integrate with Sentry Read More »

Dart – Emulating F#’s Discriminated Union (i.e. an algebraic data type)

Algebraic Data Type An algebraic data type is a basically a composite type that is formed by combining other types, sometimes also referred to as “sums-and-products” data structures (don’t worries if this is too abstract for you, examples are coming). A simple example would be a composite type that represents a binary tree that has: …

Dart – Emulating F#’s Discriminated Union (i.e. an algebraic data type) Read More »

NDC Oslo 2014 – Takeaways from “Career reboot for the developer mind”

Cory House gave a good talk titled “Becoming an Outlier: Career Reboot for the Developer Mind“ at this year’s NDC Oslo conference (there’s really so many to choose from!) and it’s one that has really resonated with me as it aligns with many of my personal goals and experiences. To help me better remember these …

NDC Oslo 2014 – Takeaways from “Career reboot for the developer mind” Read More »

AOP – A story of how we localized a MMORPG with minimal effort

In Here Be Monsters*, we have a story-driven, episodic MMORPG that has over 3500 items and 1500 quests, and with more text than the first three Harry Potter books combined – so it represented a fairly sizable challenge when we made the decision to localize the whole game!   The Challenge From a technical point …

AOP – A story of how we localized a MMORPG with minimal effort Read More »

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