
Rx framework – IObservable<T>.Concat

Yet another extension method to combine two observable collections, this time we have IObservable<T>.Concat which is very similar to IObservable<T>.Merge, but crucially, when you concatenate one observable collection to another, the subscription to the second observable collection happens after the first had completed! Here’s a quick illustration of how the two methods differ: As you’ve …

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Rx framework – IObservable<T>.CombineLatest

The IObservable<T>.CombineLatest extension method is very similar to IObservable<T>.Zip and IObservable<T>.Merge in that it combines two observable collections and returns a new one. Unlike IObservable<T>.Merge, IObservable<T>.CombineLatest does not require the merged observable collections to be of the same type. Like IObservable<T>.Zip, IObservable<T>.CombineLatest combines ‘pairs‘ of values from the two observable collections, but unlike Zip when …

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Linq Over Events – Playing with the Rx Framework

As you may have read about on numerous MVP’s blogs already, there’s an ongoing research project at Microsoft’s DevLabs called Reactive Extensions for .Net (Rx) which introduces a push-style duality (equal and opposite) of the traditional pull-style enumeration using Linq. Erik Meijer gave a 30 mins introduction to the reactive framework in this video, I …

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Buzzword Buster – Duck Typing

The term ‘duck typing’ is often used to describe a type of dynamic typing in programming languages where the object’s current set of methods and properties determines the valid semantics. Why? duck test – If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck

LINQ – Lambda Expression vs Query Expression

As you’re probably aware of already, LINQ comes in two flavours – using Lambda expressions and using SQL-like query expressions: Both yields the same result because query expressions are translated into their lambda expressions before they’re compiled. So performance-wise, there’s no difference whatsoever between the two. Which one you should use is mostly personal preference, …

LINQ – Lambda Expression vs Query Expression Read More »

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