DynamoDB.SQL 2.0.0 is out!

Yan Cui

I help clients go faster for less using serverless technologies.

Hi everyone, happy new year!

I was really glad to find a couple of days to work on some of my open source projects and put together a new version of DynamoDB.SQL which brings it inline with the latest version of the .Net AWSSDK amongst other things. You can download and install it from Nuget here.


Breaking Changes

There are two breaking changes:

  1. DynamoDB v1 is no longer supported as they have been deprecated from the AWSSDK, which means the v1 syntax (which uses the special keywords @hashkey and @rangekey to refer to the table’s hash and range keys) is also deprecated and you should use the v2 syntax going forward.
  2. The clumsy and frankly unnecessary DynamoDbV2.SQL.Execution namespace is gone! Instead, the extension methods for AmazonDynamoDBClient and DynamoDBContext now exist in the same namespaces so you no longer have to import another namespace just to use the extension methods.


Bug Fixes

Selecting specific attributes in a Scan now works, please see respective C# and F# examples.

The old InvalidQuery and InvalidScan exceptions (which didn’t play so well with C# since the error message was not very useful at all) have been replaced with C# friendly InvalidQueryException and InvalidScanException types exposes the underlying parsing errors in the error messages.


Global Secondary Index

AWS announced Global Secondary Index support on December 12th, 2013, and it’s supported in DynamoDB.SQL via the existing INDEX query option, for example:


However, global indexes work very differently to local secondary indexes, for starters they require their own throughput rather than use the existing throughput for the table (for more details refer to its documentation).

Also, it does not support consistent reads, so when querying against the index you must add the NoConsistentRead option in your query otherwise you’ll receive an error from the DynamoDB service.

Lastly, when you create the global secondary index you have to choose which attributes are projected into the index and unlike local secondary index, attributes that have not been projected into the index will not be retrieved from the table at extra read units cost, you will receive an error from the service instead. Please refer to the guidelines page for Global Secondary Index.



I’ve also revamped the README document to make it more detailed and useful and added a bunch more examples for both C# and F#, hope you like the new layout.




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2 thoughts on “DynamoDB.SQL 2.0.0 is out!”

  1. Pingback: F# Weekly #1, 2014 | Sergey Tihon's Blog

  2. Pingback: Year in Review, 2014 | theburningmonk.com

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