Yes, S3 now encrypts objects by default, but your job is not done yet

Update 06/04/2023: AWS announced that S3 now enables the “block public access” and “disable ACL” settings for all new buckets. It’s great to see these being enabled by default. But the points I raised in the post still stand. The default encryption (SSE-S3) only protects against situations when someone has stolen data from AWS servers/disks …

Yes, S3 now encrypts objects by default, but your job is not done yet Read More »

This is why you should keep stateful and stateless resources together

Update 24/05/2023: As Lee James Gilmore pointed out on Twitter, the unit of deployment of CDK is the CDK app. A CDK app can contain multiple CloudFormation stacks and they can be changed together (in a single commit) and deployed together. And that’s absolutely fine and compatible with what I’m advocating for in this post. …

This is why you should keep stateful and stateless resources together Read More »

The biggest preinvent serverless announcements you may have missed

re:Invent is almost upon us. Judging by the things that had been announced ahead of re:Invent, one can’t help but be excited about the main event itself! Here is a list of the serverless-related announcements so far that you should know about. Payload-based message filtering for Amazon SNS Here’s the official announcement. This is arguably the …

The biggest preinvent serverless announcements you may have missed Read More »

My testing strategy for serverless applications

Testing serverless architectures doesn’t have to be hard, and it doesn’t have to be slow.

Let me share my approach with you, and show you how I achieve a fast feedback loop by writing remocal tests against ephemeral environments, and how you can turbocharge your workflow as well. Once you “get it”, serverless testing can be a joy :-)

How to manage Route53 hosted zones in a multi-account environment

An interesting question came up in a conversation today: “How should I manage the Route53 DNS records in a multi-account environment?” Suppose you have configured an AWS Organization with different accounts for dev, staging and production environments. And you have registered the root domain for your application in the master AWS account. When working with …

How to manage Route53 hosted zones in a multi-account environment Read More »

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