
How to end-to-end test microservices across bounded contexts?

There is more than one way to test user journeys that span multiple bounded contexts. Your choice depends on organizational structure, team responsibilities, and the maturity of your testing practices.

Ultimately, every part of the user journey should be tested, whether it’s done piecemeal by individual teams or centrally by a QA/cross-functional team.

In this article, let’s look at several ways you can approach this problem, depending on if you have full-stack teams or specialised frontend and backend teams. We will look at trade-offs and whether it’s best to host other teams’ services in your environment, or use mock APIs, or delegate testing user journeys to a QA team and use a dedicated integration environment for testing.

Video and slides for my talk “applying best parts of Microservices to Serverless”

Hello, just a quick note to tell you that recording of my keynote at ServerlessDays TLV is now live! In this talk, I looked at a number of important lessons we learnt from the Microservices world and how they are still relevant to us as move to Serverless, and we can apply past learnings and …

Video and slides for my talk “applying best parts of Microservices to Serverless” Read More »

A consistent approach to track correlation IDs through microservices

One of my key takeaways from Tammer Saleh’s microservices anti-patterns talk at CraftConf is that we need to record correlation IDs to help us debug microservices.   Why do we need Correlation IDs? Suppose a user request comes in and after various aspects of the request has been handled by several services something goes wrong. …

A consistent approach to track correlation IDs through microservices Read More »

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Microservice AntiPatterns”

This is another good talk on micro-services at CraftConf, where Tammer Saleh talks about common antipatterns with micro-services and some of the ways you can avoid them. Personally I think it’s great that both Tammer and Adrian have spent a lot of time talking about challenges with micro-services at CraftConf. There has been so much …

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Microservice AntiPatterns” Read More »

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Scaling micro-services at Gilt”

There were a couple of micro-services related talks at this year’s edition of CraftConf. The first was by Adrian Trenaman of Gilt, who talked about their journey from a monolithic architecture to micro-services, and from self-managed datacentres to the cloud.   From Monolith to Micro-Services They started off with a Ruby on Rails monolithic architecture …

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QCon London 2015–Takeaways from “Service Architectures at Scale, Lessons from Google and eBay”

Day three of QCon London was a treat, with full day tracks on architecture and microservices, it presented some nice challenges of what to see during the day. My favourite talk of the day was Randy Shoup’s Service Architectures at Scale, Lessons from Google and eBay.   Randy kicked off the session by identifying a …

QCon London 2015–Takeaways from “Service Architectures at Scale, Lessons from Google and eBay” Read More »

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