
Threading – understanding the volatile modifier in C#

Whilst working on Bingo.Net I have come across a number of concurrency issues which must be fairly common in synchronous multiplayer games. During my attempts to overcome these obstacles I came across the volatile modifier in C# which at first glance looked like a silverbullet for all concurrency problems, but under closer inspection it more …

Threading – understanding the volatile modifier in C# Read More »

.Net Tips – use DebuggerStepThrough attribute

When debugging your application, don’t you just get annoyed that pressing F11 keep taking you into the get method of the properties (auto-properties excluded!) passed into the method rather than the method you want to step into? I use auto-properties wherever possible because they’re syntactically cleaner and have less maintenance overhead, and I have the …

.Net Tips – use DebuggerStepThrough attribute Read More »

.Net Tips – using configSource or file attribute to externalize config sections

There’s a little known attribute which was introduced in the .Net framework 2.0 called configSource, which allows you to externalize sections of the configuration file. It works just like the optional file attribute found on the appSettings element: <appSettings file = “relative file name” /> but can be added to any configuration section to specify …

.Net Tips – using configSource or file attribute to externalize config sections Read More »

Rx framework – IObservable<T>.Repeat

Having looked at a number of extension methods in Rx which allows you to combine two observable collections in some way, namely: Zip Merge CombineLatest Concat Catch OnErrorResumeLast There are also extension methods which allow you to repeatedly subscribe to the same observable collection, the suitably name IObservable<T>.Repeat method. If the repeated observable collection is …

Rx framework – IObservable<T>.Repeat Read More »

Rx framework – IObservable<T>.Catch and IObservable<T>.OnErrorResumeNext

Like IObservable<T>.Concat, the IObservable<T>.Catch extension method concatenates an observable collection with another. However, unlike the Concat method where the subscription to the second observable collection happens after the first had completed, in the Catch method the subscription to the second collection happens after and only after the first had excepted! Which begs a very good …

Rx framework – IObservable<T>.Catch and IObservable<T>.OnErrorResumeNext Read More »

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