
CloudFormation: How to set Deletion Policy to Retain for production only?

It’s a good practice to use CloudFormation’s deletion policy to protect stateful resources such as DynamoDB tables or RDS databases from accidental deletions. Such as when someone accidentally deletes a CloudFormation stack! As I discussed previously [1], this is a much better way to guard against these accidental data losses than separating stateful and stateless …

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This is why you should keep stateful and stateless resources together

Update 24/05/2023: As Lee James Gilmore pointed out on Twitter, the unit of deployment of CDK is the CDK app. A CDK app can contain multiple CloudFormation stacks and they can be changed together (in a single commit) and deployed together. And that’s absolutely fine and compatible with what I’m advocating for in this post. …

This is why you should keep stateful and stateless resources together Read More »

How to work around CloudFormation circular dependencies

An interesting question came up on the AppSync Masterclass forum, and it highlights a common way you can get into CloudFormation circular dependencies. In the CloudFormation stack, there is an AppSync API, which uses a Cognito User Pool for authentication and authorization. When a user signs up, the app should fire an update on a …

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Why you should use ephemeral environments when you do serverless

The use of ephemeral environments is one of the most impactful practices that has co-evolved with serverless. It simplifies your development workflow, makes testing easier, and allows team members to work on multiple features simultaneously. And it doesn’t add any extra cost!

In this post, we will discuss two ways you can use ephemeral environments when working with serverless technologies.

How to use the power of CloudFormation custom resources for great good

Disclaimer: if you’re new to CloudFormation custom resources, then I recommend you start by reading this excellent post by Alex Debrie first. Custom resources bring a whole new dimension to CloudFormation and enable some fascinating use cases. For example: provision DataDog dashboards as part of your CloudFormation stack run a load test every time you …

How to use the power of CloudFormation custom resources for great good Read More »

How to include Serverless Repository apps in serverless.yml

Over the past year, the Serverless Application Repository (SAR) service has improved a lot. I have grown to enjoy it more and more, and have contributed a few applications myself: lambda-janitor: cron job to delete old, unused versions of all Lambda functions in the region to free up storage space. auto-subscribe-log-group-to-arn: subscribes new and existing …

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CloudFormation protip: use !Sub instead of !Join

CloudFormation supports a number of intrinsic functions and Fn::Join (or !Join) is often used to construct parameterised names and paths. The Serverless framework, for instance, uses it extensively. A quick look in a CloudFormation it generates I can see Fn::Join used for: IAM policy names IAM role names IAM principals API Gateway URIs Resource ARNs and …

CloudFormation protip: use !Sub instead of !Join Read More »

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