
.Net Tips – Finding the time in a given TimeZone

You can find the current time in a different time zone using the TimeZoneInfo class. To find all the available system time zones: From the returned values you can see the So, if I want to find out what the time is in Amsterdam: I can do this to get the time in HH:mm:ss format:

.Net Tips – Xml Serialize or Deserialize Dictionary in C#

If you try to serialize/deserialize a type which uses the generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> type with the XmlSerializer then you’ll get an InvalidOperationException, for instance: Here’s my class: I’ll get an InvalidOperationException with an inner exception of type NotSupportedException when I do this: And the error message of the NotSupportedException is: “Cannot serialize member MyClass.MyDictionary of …

.Net Tips – Xml Serialize or Deserialize Dictionary in C# Read More »

Understanding arithmetic overflow checking in C#

Default context = unchecked By default, arithmetic operations and conversions in C# are executed in an unchecked context. This means that for a signed integer it overflows from int.MaxValue to int.MinValue and underflows from int.MinValue to int.MaxValue, hence both statements below evaluates to true: Similarly, for an unsigned integer it will underflow from 0 to …

Understanding arithmetic overflow checking in C# Read More »

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