
Why I like Go’s interfaces

When I hear people talk about Go, a lot of the discussions focus on its concurrency features. Whilst it has a good concurrency story, the language landscape is currently filled with languages that have an equally good or better concurrency story – F#, Erlang, Elixir, Clojure, etc… Personally, what I found really interesting from my …

Why I like Go’s interfaces Read More »

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Microservice AntiPatterns”

This is another good talk on micro-services at CraftConf, where Tammer Saleh talks about common antipatterns with micro-services and some of the ways you can avoid them. Personally I think it’s great that both Tammer and Adrian have spent a lot of time talking about challenges with micro-services at CraftConf. There has been so much …

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Microservice AntiPatterns” Read More »

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Scaling micro-services at Gilt”

There were a couple of micro-services related talks at this year’s edition of CraftConf. The first was by Adrian Trenaman of Gilt, who talked about their journey from a monolithic architecture to micro-services, and from self-managed datacentres to the cloud.   From Monolith to Micro-Services They started off with a Ruby on Rails monolithic architecture …

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Scaling micro-services at Gilt” Read More »

Binary and Json benchmarks updated

DISCLAIMER : as always, you should bench­mark against your pay­load and use case, the bench­mark num­bers I have pro­duced here is unlikely to be rep­re­sen­ta­tive of your use cases and nei­ther is any­body else’s bench­mark numbers. You can use the sim­ple test har­ness I cre­ated and see these exam­ple code to bench­mark against your par­tic­u­lar …

Binary and Json benchmarks updated Read More »

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